How does the club work?

Club meets every other Thursday during the academic school year from 5:00-6:30pm except during major Holiday or school breaks. 


  • Snack and Fellowship

  • Large group-mentor session topic talk or speaker on life skill

  • Creating and working stations

  • Bible study in small groups

What is the program’s approach?

Our program has the following foci:

  • Mentoring

  • Career readiness

  • Workshops on personal and social issues such as eating disorders, abuse, character, responsibility, and goal setting held by our community nurse.

  • Educate on life and work skills

  • Spiritual Component—teach biblical values

  • Parent Bible studies during club hours

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How does this club benefit the girls?

  • We mentor them on topics such as abuse awareness, eating disorders, hobbies, goal setting.

  • We develop life skills around managing bank accounts, job responsibilities, social skills, and leadership roles.

  • We offer girls resume-building leadership opportunities.

  • They have a mentor assigned who works with them.

  • Build new friendships.

  • Bible Lessons.

What skills do the girls learn?

The real-world experiences of writing, math, handling money, making business decisions, managing bank accounts, and communication help girls learn important grown-up skills. The girls have the opportunity to develop retail and banking skills as well as exploring their abilities of creativity in fashion. Through a combination of small group, mentoring and journal activities, girls express themselves and develop strong relationships. 

What do girls learn in terms of faith?

Maker Girls vision is to encourage and equip a generation of women to exemplify true beauty, as described in God’s Word and be inspired by our Maker. God has created women to be beautiful both inside and out. When we teach about beauty, it is not merely outward beauty, but also inward, consisting of our attitudes and actions.

What are the benefits of having a Maker Girls club at our church or community?

We seek to partner with schools or churches by providing resources and education on crucial social issues affecting today's teens, including: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, depression, and eating disorders. Our goal is to promote and model a healthy body image and behaviors through God’s Word. In addition to working with community leaders for resources, Maker Girls seeks to encourage healthy relationships between mother and daughter.

Still have questions? Contact us!